Which kind of wine consumer are you?
Which kind of wine consumer are you?

Wine is consumed all around the world however not everyone consumes the same type of wine, has the same motivation and expectations or drink in the same circumstances.A recent study carried out in Spain by AC Nielsen identifying the uses, attitudes, values ​​and habits of the wine consumer found 6 different types of wine consumer: traditional, restless urban, trendy, routine, occasional and social.


  • Traditional consumer

You will recognise the traditional wine consumer by the glass of wine in their hand as it is usually red. They feel that food tastes better when accompanied with a glass of wine. However this would not be a daily occurrence for them. Mainly they would consume on weekends, with friends and family, as part of the social event. Traditional consumers would usually chose crianza or reserva style wine however do appreciate young wines.


  • Restless Urban

This kind of wine consumer has two clear preferences: wine with an official DO or winemaker’s selection. With regards to Spanish wines Rioja or Ribera del Duero would be their favourites.This consumer usually buy bottles one at a time, and usually above 25€. They are enthusiast about wine tourism, enjoying visits to wineries and taking part in tastings and pairing activities. Restless Urbans would tend to buy wine guide and boast about their wine knowledge….so called wine lovers.


  • Trendy

This type of consumer does not usually drink at home. They drinks after work with colleagues, at business dinners or with friends. However, they are the type of consumer that spends the most money on wine as when they try one that they like in a restaurant, they tend to then look for the wine to purchase online or in specialised shops. In addition, they wouldn’t usually buy just a bottle, but several. All of the same wine so that they have something special at home for unexpected visits or celebrations. They would usually spend more than 10€ per bottle.


  • Routine

Routine wine consumers choose young wines or table wines. In Spain the typical consumer would be the middle-aged man who eats every day with a glass of wine that he buys very cheaply in a nearby supermarket


  • Occasional

This type of consumer is similar to Trendy and normally only drink socially. They are not interested about which kind of wine they are drinking however they enjoy it when at a restaurant.


  • Social

The eventual social wine consumer would only drink in social events such as aperitif and afterwork with colleagues. The majority of this group is young and female, and the wine is mainly white. Which type of consumer would you consider yourself to be? We are sure that Beronia offers suitable wines for all types of consumers. We encourage you to discover our selection of wines available  (http://www.beronia.com/en-gb/the-vineyards/ )